What’s New: Message from the Rock Creek Fall Fair President

Thank you for all you did to contribute to the success of our 2023 Rock Creek Fall Fair!  My family and I had a great time, and we hope you did too.  The variety of exciting entertainment, interesting things to do and see, the wonderful food, as well as meeting new and old friends were all sources of great joy!

The grounds looked wonderful, but there is still some clean-up to be completed before they are “bedded down” for winter.  We will have a short work bee on Monday, Oct 2 at 1:00pm to take down and store the tents, children’s play area and shade structure.  The old proverb about many hands making small work applies as usual to our work bees.  If you have an hour or two to spare, we should wrap this up by 3pm.  I hope to see you there!

Our October General Meeting will be 7pm Wednesday, October 11th.  You will find out about the 2023 RCFF financial results, the successful endeavors to be continued, the problem areas that need to be addressed before RCFF 2024, and be able to voice your suggestions and opinions on the direction for next year’s fair. I look forward to seeing you at the October meeting!

Dean Corbett President RCBFA