What’s New: Life in the Kettle Basin, the heart of B.C.’s summer drought – featuring local West Boundary Residents

September 4th, 2021 Article in the Narwhal

‘Since the first week of August, the Kettle River watershed, located in central southern B.C., has been under level five drought, the provincial government’s highest rating. According to the B.C. drought information portal, areas assigned level five are “almost certain” to face adverse impacts on socio-economic and ecosystem values. Until recently, the region was the only one listed at level five, but in the past two weeks the Salmon River basin east of Kelowna and both East and West Vancouver Island have joined the extreme rating.’

The article features area ranchers Doug Fossen and Jamie Haynes, RDKB watershed planner Kristina Anderson, as well as biologists Micheal Zimmer and Jennie Coleshill plus others. It helps explain what the level 5 drought means to our area, and is worth taking the time to read.

To read the full article, click here.