Kettle River Echo

The Kettle River Echo is a free community newsletter, which has a long history of publication in the West Boundary.

Subscribe to the Kettle River Echo

The Echo is published monthly, in both print format and online, through this website.  A subscription is also available, at a cost of $45 per year to cover the cost of postage and processing. 

The Echo is distributed through Canada Post Consumer Choice mail (i.e. you accept flyers in your mailbox).  It is delivered to 1,000+ mailboxes (about 50% of mailboxes).

It’s also available for pick up at locations across the West Boundary:

  • In Rock Creek:  Riverside Centre, PetroCan, Husky


Paid adverting is available.  Rates are:

  • Business card size $15
  • ¼ page $30
  • Add $10 if we design your ad

Most local non-profit organizations aren’t charged to advertise.  Submissions from community members of photos and writeups of local events, history and other topics of interest are welcomed. 

Cutoff for all submissions is the 15th of the month.  

Direct all inquiries to the Editor:

Click here to read our publishing policy.